Tuesday, January 06, 2009

The Source of Love

Feast of Blessed Andre Bessette

"In this is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us."
--1 John 4:10

The theme of today's readings focuses on love, God's love for us and how our love for one another emanates from that love.

Even before I read the scriptures for today, as I prayed for the people around me whom I love, I found myself pondering how I can best show them love. And God's response was clear to me: "Love them as I love them, not as you love them."

As full and deep as my love is, it remains partial and often sadly conditional in comparison to God's love. And of course, I cannot simply will myself to love as richly and unconditionally as God. But in this desire to set my love aside and love others as God loves them, in this intent, comes the capacity to love more fully and truly.


Unknown said...

"Love them as I love them, not as you love them." That is the work of a lifetime. I think that is a wonderful revelation to you. As I work on my vocation of intercession it becomes clearer all the time that what God wills and what I do are not the same thing. Sadly.

Anonymous said...

I think this is one of the great mysteries of faith. How do we pray for others when our understanding of what another person truly needs, what is truly best for them, is so limited...when our own own perceptions of the vast number of things God knows and we do not, is so limited? What a challenge of faith: to offer others up in love, letting go of outcomes. May your vocation of intercession bring you rich blessings!