Thursday, January 15, 2009

Never Alone

"If today you hear God's voice, harden not your hearts."
--Psalm 95:7-8

I got up this morning acutely aware that I have not prayed in a few days. My work has been busy this week and has kept me more distracted than usual. I thought I was behind on some of my political reading and writing, and so I chose to work on those things instead of pray the last couple of mornings.

Today, as I prayed again, reflecting on the last two days, I was actually struck by a strong sense of God's presence, even during that time of my distraction and inattentiveness. God was there, even though I wasn't paying attention, and somehow that was obvious to me, but only in retrospect.

My lukewarm discipleship is not a problem for God, only for myself. God remained faithful to me, and all I missed out on was the joy of the awareness of his presence. And that loss is enough to bring me back to prayer.


Anonymous said...

I so enjoy reading your writing. You know, you are truly gifted. I also envy your ability to find time for prayer and reflection. FYI: I just started a Wednesday night group to study the Rule of St. Benedict. - MichT

Anonymous said...

Thanks, MichT. Many blessings for your Benedict study group!