Certainly the instructions for some novenas can suggest just this type of thinking. A few months ago, however, I responded to a friend's invitation to join in a novena to St. Therese of Lisieux, to whom I have personal devotion. This novena was sponsored by a one-man website operation called Pray More Novenas, run by an ordinary Catholic layman named John-Paul who wanted to, well, pray more novenas, and as a means of encouraging himself, has started a worldwide network of folks who now join together to support each other in the prayers. The next month I joined in the novena to St. Jude the Apostle, and today we launch the Immaculate Conception novena, which will culminate on said feast day, December 8. Over 6,000 people are praying this novena together.
Pray More Novenas doesn't promote Catholic magic, but rather Christian devotion and disciplined prayer. The tradition of nine days of prayer comes straight from Holy Scripture, when Jesus instructed the disciples, following his Ascension, to return to the upper room and wait for the arrival of the Holy Spirit, which descended upon them on the tenth day. Since then, nine-day devotions of various sorts have proliferated in popular practice. And while no one is guaranteed a specific outcome to their prayers, Scripture is also clear that God pours out blessings upon those who call upon Him in faith.
And so I have become a devotee of novenas. I look forward to selecting specific prayer intentions and the gentle discipline of offering the prayers, in communion with Mary and various saints, every day. John-Paul makes it easy for us digital-age disciples by sending an email with each day's prayers, and an online forum provides a place to note your intentions and any blessings that might unfold.
I invite readers to join us. Here's today's prayer:
O most pure Virgin Mary conceived without sin, from the very first instant, you were entirely immaculate. O glorious Mary full of grace, you are the mother of my God – the Queen of Angels and of men. I humbly venerate you as the chosen mother of my Savior, Jesus Christ.
The Prince of Peace and the Lord of Lords chose you for the singular grace and honor of being his beloved mother. By the power of his Cross, he preserved you from all sin. Therefore, by His power and love, I have hope and bold confidence in your prayers for my holiness and salvation.
I pray first of all that you would make me worthy to call you my mother and your Son, Jesus, my Lord.
I pray that your prayers will bring me to imitate your holiness and submission to Jesus and the Divine Will.
Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.
Now, Queen of Heaven, I beg you to beg my Savior to grant me these requests…
(Mention your intentions)
My holy Mother, I know that you were obedient to the will of God. In making this petition, I know that God’s will is more perfect than mine. So, grant that I may receive God’s grace with humility like you.
As my final request, I ask that you pray for me to increase in faith in our risen Lord; I ask that you pray for me to increase in hope in our risen Lord; I ask that you pray for me to increase in love for the risen Jesus!
Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.