Thursday, December 31, 2009


"In the beginning was the Word."
--John 1:1

Interesting that on this, the final day of the calendar year, the Gospel reminds us of the Beginning. Or maybe not. Isn't it a cliche to say that every ending marks a new beginning? Yes, a cliche, only because we don't fully embrace the truth and power of the fact that we are constantly being reborn, remade, renewed. Every moment is the beginning with this God of infinite, reckless, unconditional love.

I'm not making any New Year's resolutions this year. I'm barely even thinking about tomorrow, as this baby has me firmly rooted in the demands of the present moment. But even as I attend to this moment just now, I realize that everything I do is overflowing with an immense sense of hope and possibility--for her, yes, but also for me and for the world. Rather than resolve to do something this year, I just offer a New Year's prayer--to abide in this sense of wonder and hope and joy in every moment to come.

Abba God, sanctify us on this last dark evening of the year, and bring us all to new, abundant life in each and every moment. Amen.

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