Friday, September 09, 2005


“I want you to understand clearly that in this work it is not necessary to inquire into minute details of God’s existence any more than of your own. For there is no name, no experience, and no insight so akin to the everlastingness of God than what you can possess, perceive and actually experience in the blind loving awareness of this word, is. Describe [God] as you will: good, fair Lord, merciful…you will find them all contained in this little word, is. God’s very existence is each and all of these. If you spoke of [God] in a hundred like ways you would not go beyond or increase the significance of that one word, is.”
—Privy Counsel, Ch. 5

God’s being is Being Itself. No doctrine can express such infinite is-ness, no church can contain it, no word can describe it. Even the word “God” is a construct, a placeholder for that which is beyond mere conception. All experience arises out of this Ground of Being that we awkwardly call God.

This is what some have called such-ness: the infinite nature of the pure, unfiltered experience of the present moment. It is as simple as our breath, as the touch of our loved one, as the blinding beauty of ceasing thought and just observing the glory of what is.

Holding a child’s hand, plunging into cold water, a burst of laughter…in these moments the entire universe and the Ultimate Reality is revealed in its completeness.